
a fish is incapable of suicide by drowning

they are usually eaten, or trying to eat.


they will never understand the concepts of 

suffocation, struggle, and surrender.

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water inflates you 


like a balloon

you become one with who made you


body is just skin

a plane separating two bodies of water

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  • Feb 24 Wed 2010 14:40
  • spread


your hair crawls away from your face, softly like feathers, 

they breathe elegantly, in a pace not faster than afternoon tea

like jellyfish who wander behind your ears then again

cover your eyes

a uniformed dance, they spread apart silkily, tip-toeing

you feel the weight you never felt before as they make waves

as you reach your fingertips towards the light above your head

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under the lampshade your fluorescence lights

the bulb

the chair is timid, small, a frozen rabbit

thawing rapidly with the warmth traveling in 

white light 

i am the cloud that waters you, drowns you 

loves you and kills you

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i had parked in the very spot you left me, i think the seventh one left of the trash and recycling disposal.

i had spent seven minutes parking to ensure the leeway between my left and right were great enough.

you were standing against the left body of your car, your hands by your side sometimes make way to your mouth.

you were thinking, gathering and preventing any spillage of thought that might stain the air between us.

i thought about how the hem of my gathered skirt tickled the skin beneath my knees.

and how would it be if i welcomed your gaze instead of observing the gravel beneath.

how would it be if i told you what i had dreamed?

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I was found on a yellow cement floor, dusted with a broomstick and taken into the family with jaded skin.


My father drove a shiny black car with porous beige leather seats.


My mother laid on the velvet couch for days and days without speaking a word.


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do you talk to yourself

in the house when no one's home 

the heat's on high and the water is waiting to boil

the blinds are shut and you sit against the window


your feet bob back and forth under the hem of the chair

like a wandering kite in the sky

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i am what i once lost, once owned, once was

a cloud, that went through a transformation and

in place a soul, but arid and lost, floating on a 

void blanket like a hot air balloon, who has dumped

its once heavy passengers and 

drained its fragrant fuels. Drifting without

limbs and strings, occasionally disguising as 

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  • Feb 02 Tue 2010 14:56
  • Wants


i dipped my hands in a paint bucket black


and all handwriting comes out it in cries


words of water, dry on a vacant plaque


naked in the sun, burnt with holes of lies

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