目前分類:詩集 (78)

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There is no entrance to a carousel, there are no edges, no exits. 

Every point is an embarkation. The destination is your origination. 


What makes it cheerful? Is it the waltz, the circus clown music? 

There is a carousel spinning in the back of everyone's mind. 


Mostly children, adults of children, teenagers in love

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its a foggy night 

the ocean is dark with a white laced hem

i wanted to see the moon but perhaps it was shy

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under the lampshade your fluorescence lights

the bulb

the chair is timid, small, a frozen rabbit

thawing rapidly with the warmth traveling in 

white light 

i am the cloud that waters you, drowns you 

loves you and kills you

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I was found on a yellow cement floor, dusted with a broomstick and taken into the family with jaded skin.


My father drove a shiny black car with porous beige leather seats.


My mother laid on the velvet couch for days and days without speaking a word.


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do you talk to yourself

in the house when no one's home 

the heat's on high and the water is waiting to boil

the blinds are shut and you sit against the window


your feet bob back and forth under the hem of the chair

like a wandering kite in the sky

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i am what i once lost, once owned, once was

a cloud, that went through a transformation and

in place a soul, but arid and lost, floating on a 

void blanket like a hot air balloon, who has dumped

its once heavy passengers and 

drained its fragrant fuels. Drifting without

limbs and strings, occasionally disguising as 

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  • Feb 02 Tue 2010 14:56
  • Wants


i dipped my hands in a paint bucket black


and all handwriting comes out it in cries


words of water, dry on a vacant plaque


naked in the sun, burnt with holes of lies

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unknown is suspicion's 

best asset when you lie

behind closed doors.

you answer with a dry laugh

in a desert, i am stranded.

all i can do is listen and ponder

the mountains of sand

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the soup is stirring




your lower lip 

shy and

tucked behind your 

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  • Jan 14 Thu 2010 03:06
  • Eraser

A hardened piece of 


bubblegum that

slips instead of sticks.


A hardened stick of 


tongue that

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the way I consume

myself, through the forking and lifting of

nails, the ivory shells upon 

my pinkened flesh, inflaming with flowing

love, my 

teeth strips its clothes bare.

the way i consume 

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i lost my way in the shallow end of

this river.

the shore is close and your face is written in the sky

but my feet lay tangled within a muddle too deep

so deep i can barely see if its the rain or grains

thats keeping me from stepping out.

if i could, i reckon that it would feel like clouds

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you're asking to be forgotten


a heavy morning with light rain, the city 

dresses in black and dances to sirens.

a funeral to attend, the train 

creaks in short cries and stops to salute.

a victim of destinations, the ground

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because my vision of you is diminishing 

into the horizon when the sun's almost missing

because my body blends into the floor and 

my shirt could look like blood or sand 

you might dismiss me as the type of memory

that you dispose of when it's dirty


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i drove myself away on a saturday, the sun vivid the sky

livid and my hearts about to fade- its like no other when you 

drive yourself away, from the streets to the air and from the air to the streets,

only the flying stubble grilled off by my tires accompany me, made tired by a few stumbles, and 

the exhalation of a tired engine, the dust never made form, never made known,

only a sudden cry into the air behind me, then lost forever into the atmosphere,

never known and never formed, as i join its path when i drove myself away

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night reads the day to me, your 

face rewinds like a movie, a stampede

trample through the pages of a navy sky, then

speak to me in words of an evening wren, you

continue to pause, here, there and where

the moon is grand and the story is fair 

i cannot sidetrack from a tale beautiful 

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then i came to seriously consider days without you, this day four of me as a surrealist,

an artist independent from any reason or line, and so that when i think of you, all ends melt

like exposed ice cream and drip past my order like hot wax, that when you come across me disguised as a customer,

i have forgotten how my face used to writhe as a dying rose away from the sun, that suddenly my hands were following

form of a jellyfish and soft without bones, that if i were to paint you my heart as a goodbye would the brush still hold?

and if the canvas be desolate of colors and drained with a gilded transparency?

would you then, finally recognize the death and rebirth of my eyes as they shed layers of lament?

would you perhaps come travel into my subconscious and allow me to live a world with you, one of which may be false but all that makes of me,

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day three my heart ponders at the possibility of an extension, a bridge between

an unmeasurable distance called time, and a future i foretold called forgetting, but the sight

of an accidental dark stroke upon my pale pillow reigned my heart for a bit, then the scent of you

flooded in me though i can't recall, but i know that any tint of reminder will bring back its entirety, i know it

as if the world was in flames and air was choking on the inevitable breath of fire, i know it like a suffocating

woman, that none else but water filled her lungs and permeated her body, and that all she could smell was the

plain flavor of water mixed in with mud, kelp and fish, and that if she died, will be burdened with the finishing fragrance of

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the reminiscent of a made bed reminds me of your last departure,

a morning seemingly so far but only have occurred as of today, earlier when

the sun was bleeding through the lighter portion of my curtains, and your 

body unthoughtful offered me your back, a wall too still as to distill my 

sound of hello morning to a silent sigh, some frequency a stranger to you yet so dear

to me, you are dear and i hold you as if if i knocked you over, a tremble held

by the fingertips become an earthquake and chemicals would spill, that perhaps the very

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for the amount of time i spent trying to describe a solitary moment worth mentioning between you

and I, it perhaps has been long enough for either of us to discover the meaning of love, and because its existence is mere, suddenly it

has become very apparent to me, once upon the middle of a night, that that very moment is actually mundane, not quite as romantic as 

a flutter of an eyelash or a glance back after goodbye, it is the very realization that I wanted such a moment so dear, that every moment seemed

to be as minute and detailed as i saw it, because i wanted a moment to remember for the rest of my life, i watched every strand of hair of yours 

dance from the tosses in bed till the ocean wind blows it dry, every slight tonal switch in your smile from silence to break; i saw the subtle curl from 

your lips coral breach and seashell teeth, but the light haze of the fume softly creeping, gentle infusions may be unknown to the water but close to me like 

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