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  • Jul 24 Fri 2009 02:30
  • 病人


半夜 你輕輕的發著抖 棉被一絲絲的裹在你身上 像似害羞的中東女人

但今兒是個夏夜呢 外面還聽的見蟬在喊熱呢 卻像個衣竿 晾滿了汗 你

還不願放棄那冬天的感覺  不停的給我添加那溫暖 但我嫌熱啊 真熱

外頭平常蹓躂的晚風是死了嗎 還是在這浪漫的夜裡 也偷偷跑出去約會了 

不再理會我們 兩個病人

一個發寒 一個發熱


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  • Jul 03 Fri 2009 01:05
  • 故事


她的人生像個故事  不停的說謊

漂亮臉蛋 無止盡的混亂 說著童話的頭髮

雲朵從天空那兒傷害著她  無所不在的

星星閃爍著  陽光在她臉頰上畫了條金色的光芒


品嘗那些日子吧  匆忙的選擇  該如何拍下這愛情?

女兒們  危險的  纖細的長腿能殺人

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  • Jun 24 Wed 2009 11:46
  • Story


Anecdote is her life where she lies all the time
pretty face, bottomless mess, fairy-telling hair
clouds are hurting her from the sky, everywhere
the stars pitch, sunlight streaks her cheeks stained golden light

Tasty days, Hazy ways, how do you film this love
Daughtering, dangerous, slender sleek thighs who kill

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blank spaces are w i d e 

pull your eyes together and things become fuzzy 

see the dust on your eyelashes, falling 


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  • Jun 16 Tue 2009 00:07
  • broken


yes, it is sad, but what is life without sadness?

why are things the way they are? 

the moon is smudged in the sky with a thumb and twisted half way like how you get a fingerprint (if you hold your hand out, just the right size!)
white paint

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your profile is available in silhouettes and your hair 
dark bleeds into the cracks on the mountain
your voice only reaches the rim of my ear but your
laughter sleeps in the prancing of my heart. a careful brush of
cloth, your right arm aligns that of my left and i am 
afraid to move, your warmth aways my inherent fear, i 
wish to look at you but your eyes are well alive, lids of 

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  • Mar 20 Fri 2009 14:15
  • hushed


we wore sheets of mist, thick as toast
where you kissed me, in the pale sky of 
the night, our feet disappeared in the mouths of sand,
ubiquitous on the stretch of nature's saliva, she 
wipes her lips clean and we are revealed,
two embracing tiny ants, frozen dead before dawn, and
washed away before the morning break

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a bearded butterfly flows through the night, in the
singing fog she sighs with a mouth wide open, the air
hardly forced out with her throat, elongated and shaking 
is she crying? with every drop her beard grows, the age, 
poured through centuries like an hour glass
it's almost running low now, the sand shivers as she gags
tossing in the deep of her voice, half grainy, half sad
i stood on the rim of her mouth where i jumped and

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eyes bright as day, you awake my skin to a low concentration of
silver, the way your cheeks crease as you smile and
your fingers pull forth on strings unattached. your voice 
breathes in and out my pores i hear every night before i 
sleep. i know your filtered world only makes out misty shields of my face and
the slight tilt you mention makes you look pondering, hesitating to ask questions, your
shoulders and mine are congruent that's why we'll never be
lovers, your hands would fit inside of mine,

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the rain is hot sometimes the cold 
drips on the rusting metal frame the
dust takes a shower cold, turns wet and dims each
strand and curls visible lying against their wall like mud
seamless no more floating no more cotton flying just
the water passing through the sill gentle clapping
gently tapping rapidly counting, the edge of the 
carpet is moisturized a darker shade of tan my 

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your petal thin waist bends in my arms, a
malleable metal it draws me
in, as tall as your neck, my eyes look for a 
secure spot in your collar. stripes
tease me up and down and your hair
long kills your tender. your palms

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Like the sunshine’s, life 
Is but a moon full
Of light. A moon full
Of light and tending 
To shiver. Those crater
creatures kiss themselves,
and could not comprehend
the meaning of daylight savings

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  • Nov 28 Fri 2008 14:23
  • 你的


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i am seeing light again
have i almost forgotten you
you're full of inconsiderations but i 
still love you, do i
try to hate you try to hate you
this will cure me forget you
hate is strong hate is love
hate is everything that is my god help me

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i can see that far muffled light
ripple with my swimming tail
it lights up as i get closer
but the dim screen never leaves

waiting for it to end
waiting for it to end

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  • Apr 27 Sun 2008 14:46
  • 天地





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