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也就真的睡著了。在夢裡的夢裡睡著後才真正跌入那沒有時間流逝的國度,像被一層濃厚的黑色煙霧包圍住,沒有方向,沒有計時的行走著。甚至不曉得自己在行走著,跟死亡一樣沒有任何的感覺,也不知道自己已死去。沒有人能確定自己是否死亡或只是睡去,直到醒來的一瞬間才驚覺 “喔,我剛剛原來在睡覺“。很多人就這樣一直睡下去,連呼吸都不知道怎麼停的。人們總是說著,“xxx很幸運,他是在睡夢中過世的“,但或多或少只是一種委婉的,安慰的話語。沒有人願意承認,xxx怎麼死的都不知道,就這樣不明不白的醒不過來。也或許,如果思緒是可以延續的東西,也就是說靈魂和肉體是分開的,那是否一個惡夢也能無止盡的,不須靠肉體的存活而繼續發展呢?如果這個人,碰巧正作著惡夢,就這樣心臟病發,表情扭曲的死掉(前提是在死前,身軀又是與靈魂如此十指緊扣的個體),那麼這個惡夢必定只會往更糟糕的地方發展,隨著每串鎮痛而連接到更亥人的情節,然後突然肉體解脫了,靈魂脫節了,永遠的奔跑著,失去了被喚醒的權力。




在很小的時候,也在稍微大一點的時候發生過類似的情形,而現在又開始了。不是指黑色大狗出現的事情,而是指棉被忘記打哈欠這樣子的事情。沒有任何原因,預兆,棉被開始看見黑色的大狗,就像飛蚊症那樣的討厭,然後在這同時也失去了一樣東西 - 打哈欠的能力。

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走在路上碰見真正的,充滿溫暖血液的黑色大狗時,它們反而缺乏了真實感,像小草在一幅畫裡面那般無害,自然的以配角的身分存在著。有時,甚至分不清究竟是棉被的腦袋賦予了黑色大狗恐怖的聯想,還是其實黑色大狗本身就有一種令人畏懼的本質。若是後者的話,那麼棉被應當要被路上 每 一 隻 大狗驚嚇才對,而不是不停的被這些大狗的 “幻覺" 所影響。棉被的腦子可能病了,亦或者好不容易康復了,而這之間產生的恐懼,正是因為大腦某些萌起的改變所造成的,自衛性的恐懼。或許從頭到尾,黑色大狗只是一種自我產生的預言,而棉被實際上害怕的並不是這樣子的形體,而是這形體來源的地方。






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在那件事情發生以前,她還是個話很多的女生,每天一回到家就等不及報告在學校發生的事情。當然這些所謂發生的 "事情",現在想起來只不過是那些 "為了發生而發生的事情",也就是說,世界上絕大多數的的人說的話,時常是為了說話而說話,而並不是因為這句話有什麼必要的作用。人與人之間本來就是一堆廢話堆積出來的“人際關係“,就像垃圾必須裝在袋子裡一樣的自然,轉動著每個社會。但那件事情發生之後,棉被就在也不能那樣,隨心所欲的說話了。每當她說話的時候,她彷彿能抽離自己的身體飄在空中,看著自己傻傻的笑著,吐出既流暢又佔位子的長篇大論,卻填滿不了任何空間。她清醒了,徹徹底底的清醒了。




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  • Mar 08 Tue 2011 23:25
  • 方法

 it's all i care for  








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  • Jul 31 Sat 2010 18:20
  • 理由









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她踏出了門,滑進了一雙黑色的拖鞋,她媽媽細心栽培的玫瑰花們一排排的綻放在陽光下,隨風擺動的姿態無比的嬌媚。每朵都充滿生氣的向天空伸展著,都想從叢林露出面貌,其餘較殘缺的,被蟲子啃咬過的便乖乖的躺在荊棘後頭,永遠見不得光明。它們確實是在比較,確實是在誇張的展示自己柔軟又堅強的花瓣,但它們深不知,每一個線條的展示,對剛踏進後院的女孩來說,就像尖叫著一句句的    來採我吧,來摘我吧,來剪我吧,來殺我吧。。


她從容的瀏覽了一遍所有的花兒,並毫不猶豫的剪下了每叢最招搖,最成熟美豔的玫瑰。一旁的桃樹圍繞了好幾隻蜂鳥,忙碌的嗡嗡叫聲掩蓋了玫瑰臨死的吶喊。誰又會希望被剝奪最閃耀的那一瞬間呢? 它們還沒享受夠蜜蜂的追求,還沒能夠四處灑下它們誘人的花粉,只剩下透明黏稠的血液使得生鏽的剪刀鋒難以開啓。那是最後的掙扎,但女孩依舊努力的撐開剪刀的兩頰,興奮的切開一朵接一朵的玫瑰,她記得媽媽說過,剪玫瑰要剪斜的切口,這樣才容易吸水,才容易長久。叢林裡頭那些扭曲,稚嫩的玫瑰們輕輕的笑了起來,但這些女孩都沒聽見。


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A little black bird with red wings had never seen blood.

He asked his mother what blood was and she said it flows inside us.

He then asked if he could see it sometime and she said it's better for you not to.


One day he saw his mother on the side of a street, broken winged and shivering

She said I'm scared to die and he watched her slowly freeze, blood weeping through but not staining her coat. 

the black was too deep to conceal, he thought the red on her wing was the wound,

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He had came to her one night in a rosy red dress. It was a beautiful kind of night gown with the hems extending outwards from his feet in an umbrella motion, shimmering a red glow even in the midst of night and swaying behind him like a flowing tail. He was still wearing his forest green military jacket on the outside; the crimson shoulder patches echo the color of the dress drawing him in the form of a somewhat unbalanced christmas tree. 


"What's the occasion today?" She had asked after eyeing him from head to tail. He revealed a clandestine smile and pulled her against him only to let his breath rain on her forehead for a couple of seconds, then made his way in casually up the stairs. Like a child, she tugged the hem of his skirt while taking extreme care not to step on his bobbing hem the whole way up to the bedroom. 


Feather and her have been lovers for eleven years, yet they were too different to be married and settled down. She spent most of her days at home gardening and painting, getting inspirations from her dreams; she would lay in bed for hours and hours, dozing off and waking up, letting images overrun her while she was half conscious, imagining colors, pictures, what love would look like.  Feather on the other hand, was always out traveling and living on the edge, moving to cities without electricity several months at a time, learning new tongues and almost dying on several occasions. But it was something between them, something that would always bring them back together in the end. 

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She grew up in a mannequin factory located some forty miles away from the nearest town. It was a family business, and she had remembered most of her childhood days running down the aisles of the assembly lines, watching the mannequins slowly shape station after station. She saw how heads snapped onto bodies like perfectly fitted lids, and how each mannequin seemed to become an individual although their muscles mimicked each other in every way, and their heads were all positioned at a five degree tilt to the left. She thinks back to those childhood memories, happy and unornamented, when she would stroll through the uniform rows of these natural, bare bodies trying to observe a minute difference amongst them. The flamboyance of the store mannequins disgusted her- she disliked their made up faces, exaggerated postures and fancy gowns; they remind her of what she has become. 


She had started a new life in town some seven years ago after leaving the mannequin house, determined to become an independent and successful woman. She wore an ironed white blouse and a pencil skirt to work at the bank everyday, where people would greet her as manager and bow at the departure of her clicking heels. She buried her face behind mountains of paperwork everyday, making emergency phone calls and tossing her beautiful brown hair or thrusting a sweet smile when necessary. People rumored ugly things behind her back in the office, but she was a well-rounded hard worker. She knew where she wanted to go and how she would go about doing them. Sometimes she would look up from the massive paper walls and stare at the pale room, contemplating her being and status. She would then walk out to the restroom and re-apply her make-up, pinch her red lips together and bounce her hair - there was a meeting due at 2pm.


It's true that she had slept with the CEO of the bank, an elderly, married man with two children and wrinkles imprinted on his face like milestones of his achievement. No one suspects this for he was a respectable, serious man who would not even take a second glance at her as they pass each other by in the hallway. She by no means had the intention of climbing her way up through this cheap method. He had called her up one night for a meeting to discuss the company's annual reports and was due at her place dressed up in a black suit and silver tie. They discussed the report, her progression, and many other things that night. The wind outside blew the curtains in his children's room, and their mother closed the window. 


She felt solitude the greatest when she turned the doorknob each night, felt time the longest as she waited for the water to boil on the stove, and the most empty as she tucked herself to sleep under her pink floral sheets. Her family still ran the mannequin business; she thought about the mannequin's still faces often before she fell asleep. 

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  • Jan 21 Thu 2010 07:55
  • Stuff


When the girl had returned to his place half a year later, he was sitting on the porch of the house waiting for her, dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a white undershirt with no shoes on. His hair was pressed by a lumpy pillow that she once knew so well and lay flatly against his ear in an obedient way. There was a new barbeque stand set up  on the front lawn that she had opposed him of buying before, whose shiny aluminum surface now shimmered under the summer sun. 


"Hey. Can I come in now?" She looked him in the eyes where he avoided by turning his head and standing up. 


"Yeah. Let's go in." He twisted the brass knob and stepped in first.


The interior of his house was almost as she had remembered it, with the rusting sink in the kitchen and spreads of unknown gravel by the entranceway. The beige carpet leading up to the second floor was still infested by smells of his ex-roommate's dog and was yellowing at the corners.

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Whosoever wears a jean skirt and pink sneakers sits on the stubby sidewalks in a park with male friends drinking at ten pm, whosoever watches the elderly practice dance routines at a distance with their loud folklore music echoing with cicada chirps, whosoever pulls a bottle resting on the ground and wipes the muddy sweat dripping off the sides, whosoever twists the metal cap open with the inner slab of her arm draws red screeching marks does not mind the pain, whosoever clanks the glass with a loud cheer and dumps the contents into the throat in one nonstop motion, whosoever ignores (or did not even feel) the vibration in her pocket of her cellphone, whosoever's cellphone had stopped vibrating after a continuous seven or eight nudges, whosever neglects the worrying calls of a fatherly figure in the midst of night, whosoever burps loudly and laughs, whosoever burps loudly again and this time some stomach acid and alcohol swells up halfway past the throat in a stringent manner, whosoever swallows that conglomeration again and had her throat burned and lungs caught with rushing lava, whosoever falters to the side of the sidewalk towards the dirty sewer filled with garbage, old water, and gum wrappers, whosoever neglects the judging vision of the elderly and pours down her own share of filth into the sewer, whosoever hears the sounds of her own heartbeat like drums coming out of her sleeves, whosoever wipes her mouth clean with the towlette her friend had offered, who had held her hair back while she shivered in the dark with short breathy gasps, whosoever rinses her mouth with a water bottle and tasted the astringency once more, this time diluted in taste, whosoever calls a cab home by flinging herself in front of a yellow car and waving her hands in butterfly motions, whosoever attempts to collect herself by hanging onto the railings inside the elevator in her building, who looks at her frail image from the mirrored walls, her hair wet and dripping from unknown fluids, whosoever finally returns home and smell the asiatic incense from a dimly lit room, whosoever tip toes into that room and remain at the bedside for minutes watching the gentle tide on her father's chest, whosoever spreads her fingers across his shoulders and shook him in a light rocking manner, saying Baba I'm home, whosoever awakens her father and sees his eyes crack open in slow motion like a newborn infant, who had sat up immediately and called her name with an unused voice, who had said baby you're finally home, who held her tightly in his blanket-warm arms, whosoever has guilt wrapped around her whole body like film dares not to exhale in fear of pungency, whosoever gains the courage to tell her father once again, Baba I'm leaving and slowly leaves his grasp, whosoever watches her father sink down again in his memory-foam mattress appearing seventy years older and fifty pounds heavier, whosoever wobbles to her pre-air conditioned room with inevitable hiccups and pulls out a duffel, fills it with underwear, garments, and cosmetics, whosoever steps out the eight hundred square footage apartment and leaves her father behind, who took one last glance back at the half shut door with half shut eyes, shall never return. 

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She became near-sighted in the second grade. It was probably a hereditary kind of thing; no one in school owned a pair of glasses yet, and kids made fun of her, called her four eyes. She didn't like how she looked in them either, like some sort of bulgy eyed chameleon, but she had to copy things from the board and there was no way out of that. 


There was a boy in the class who thought her glasses were cool. He asked her if he could try them on and she was hesitant, she thought he was teasing her. But he wasn't. He put them on and roamed around the room for a bit, and she liked how he looked in them, appearing slightly different than the rest of the boys. It was second grade, but she thought she was in love.


She would admire him from across the room in her shining spectacles, looking through the layer of glass that would help her define his face. She wanted to see him without the filter, with her own natural unmuddled eyes, but every time she took them off things just became blurry. An illusion, a dream, she saw him from afar in his blue t-shirt and grass stained jeans. She thought he had smiled at her so she ran away into the dandelion field, linking up flower stems to wear as a necklace. She drew his figure in the sand and wrote their names encircled in a heart on the peeling bark of her desk. 


She didn't care about what the kids said anymore, frog-like, strange eyes. She would wear her glasses for him to see, even though he rarely looks at her anymore. So she would take them off and live in her fuzzy vision where he always seems like he's looking her way, always seems like he's smiling and just too shy to come by. She whispered his name in the echoey tunnel of the playground slide and wrote his name, over and over on the back of her worksheets and arithmetic scratch paper. Until someone picked up her fallen paper one day.


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